Happy blogoversary to the Notebook Sisters!
Cait & Mime @ The Notebook Sisters are celebrating their 3-year blogoversary this week with a week-long party! It's Alice-in-Wonderland-themed and they're currently giving away Alice in Wonderland notebooks! It's all really exciting and you should all stop by and wish them a happy unbirthday and maybe take part in this tea party blog tag! Whooooo!
(I'm totally supposed to writing an essay on knowledge and belief in Plato's Republic right now but shhhhhh, let me just forget about it for a while and answer some fun questions about books!)
1. Just Alice: What book cover(s) has made you super curious?

ALL THE BOOK COVERS OMG. I just. Love book covers? Here are just four that I can think of at the moment. Breakfast Served Anytime by Sarah Combs because it's just such an atmospheric and evocative photo, so still and calm and beautiful. I wanna know if the book is just as quietly lovely. Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley because, well, that combined with the blurb makes me think it's gonna be such a powerful and important book! No One Needs to Know by Amanda Grace because GIRLS HOLDING HANDS BEHIND A BOY'S BACK yesssssss. Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch because it's so pretty and look at those glimpses of two different worlds you get! WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN. IS IT JUST SYMBOLISM OR IS THAT THING AN ACTUAL THING THAT EXISTS IN THE BOOK???? I NEED TO KNOW.
2. Mad Hatter: List the craziest character(s) you've ever read.
This question makes me uncomfortable because I'm not sure about the use of the word 'crazy'. Especially since Mental Health Awareness Month is coming up... I know this is just keeping in with the Alice in Wonderland theme, but well, some characters are actually mentally ill, but I'm not sure that's what 'crazy' in this question is referring to. I mean, people use 'crazy' to mean so many different things! But since we're thinking of the Mad Hatter, I decided that I'm taking this to mean people who are a good kind of weird and think in an interesting way (I'm especially thinking of Johnny Depp's portrayal of him)... So, I present to you:

Austin in Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith. The things that Austin thinks! All the stuff that goes on in his head, all the history and the stories and how everything crisscrosses and then suddenly he's thinking about his balls or other people's balls or something.
3. Red Queen, Off With Your Head! What book have you felt like beheading?
I'm a really nice person and I don't really ever feel like beheading books! Honestly, I can't think of a single book I've read that I would like to behead. I tend to avoid all books that I know will make me rage-y by reading reviews, so that helps.
4. White Rabbit: What books or series have been insanely popular but you've been "late" to pick them up?

Uh, I sort of only came back to reading YA a couple months ago and having not read any YA since like, 2011, you can imagine that I have a lot to catch up on. And even back then I wasn't a particular prolific reader and only read a few books every now and then. I haven't got round to most of these popular books/series yet! But I have got round to the first book of the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy by Laini Taylor, at least. And it was SO GOOD.
5. Caterpillar: What's the most confusing book you've read?

The Skyscraper Throne trilogy by Tom Pollock: great books, I love them so much, but for some reason I find them so confusing? It always takes me a while to work out what's happening. While I'm reading I'm just like WHAT ON EARTH IS HAPPENING WHAT'S GOING ON WHY IS-- AHHHHHHHH. But I really like that they're more subtle that way? Like, they don't make it GLARINGLY CLEAR THAT THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT'S HAPPENING because that can be kind of boring. I like that it takes a little time for me to wrap my head around it all. They're just really smart books and I love them.
6. Dormouse: What was the last book that sent you to sleep?

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz. Yes I gave it 3.5 stars, yes I loved a lot of things about it, but man that book made me feel like I was sleepwalking sometimes.
7. Cheshire Cat: Book that made you laugh and smile?

Tell Me Again How a Crush Should Feel by Sara Farizan! Everyone needs to read this when it comes out in October. I LOVED THIS. Seriously one of the cutest, most delightful books I have ever read. I laughed a lot. I could really relate to Leila and her voice was just so charming and sweetly humorous.
8. Knave of Hearts: Most recent character who stole your heart?

Darling Parva "Pencil" Khan from the Skyscraper Throne trilogy by Tom Pollock! PEN!!!!! If you read my review for The Glass Republic, you'll know I practically just spent the whole time wailing about Pen. She's a Pakistani girl, and she falls in love with another girl in this book, and it's so wonderful! She goes through a lot in the first book, and she's just so incredibly strong.
9. Jabberwocky: Best villain you've read this year?
Villains don't tend to interest me for the most part for some strange, unknown reason. Or maybe I just haven't found the right villain for me yet. GUYS HOOK ME UP WITH SOME GREAT VILLAINS??? Tell me all your favourite villains!
10. Down the Rabbit Hole: What's the latest book/series/author that's completely swallowed your interest?

Could it be anything other than the Micah Grey series by Laura Lam? MICAH GREY. Intersex genderfluid bisexual protagonist of my heart!!! I just love the whole world that Lam has created. It's so beautiful and imaginative and I could roll in it forever.
... And I'm done! That was fun! BUT SERIOUSLY GUYS HOOK ME UP WITH SOME VILLAINS? And then maybe I'll find out whether villains just aren't my type. (The only fictional villain I can think of that I do like is Loki from the Thor movies. But only the Thor movies. He wasn't interesting to me in Avengers at all.)
The cover of Snow Like Ashes makes me super curious, too. And I'm planning to check out Lies We Tell Ourselves, once it comes out. ('cause LGBT + POC = gimmeee~!!)
ReplyDeleteAnd you don't like villians?? Hmmmm, I can't say that I LOVE villains but I do love me some good antiheroes ;) I did "enjoy" reading about the villains in Steelheart, though.
I agree with Cayce...the cover of Snow Like Ashes is absolutely intriguing! :D
ReplyDelete*whispers* I haven't read Daughter of Smoke and Bone yet either! I keep requesting it from my library, but I always get it intimidated and send it back. :( So you're definitely not alone! *
Thanks so much for sharing - and great choices! <3
~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf
I've been meaning to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone too! I just can't seem to get around to it. I even had it in my hands, but I ended up taking it back to the library.
ReplyDeleteInteresting post! Those books your choose for the first question have me interested. I might have to check them out!
Oops, so sorry the "crazy" question mad you uncomfortable! :| That was definitely not my intention.
ReplyDelete*whispers* I haven't read Daughter of Smoke and Bone yet either! Everyone raves about it and I'm sooo late to that party! lol I love the cover for Lies We Tell Ourself. That entire book just calls to me...eeeh! I want to read it!
Thanks for linking up with us!
It's okay! I just don't really like words like crazy and insane thrown around too casually and try to avoid using them myself.
ReplyDeleteIt's okay, I just read Daughter of Smoke and Bone like, two weeks ago! And I still haven't read the rest of the trilogy yet. GO READ IT IT'S SO GOOD. I really hope you like it. And god, I can't wait till Lies We Tell Ourselves comes out! IS IT SEPTEMBER YET.
Oh no! What do you think's putting you off about that book?
ReplyDelete3 out of 4 of the books I chose for the first question aren't out yet. I am so excited for their releases!
It is! I'm so jealous of all the people who have got ARCs through Netgalley. *shakes fist*
ReplyDeleteNooo, don't get intimidated! There's nothing intimidating about that lovely book! I enjoyed reading it so much, it's actually quite a lot of fun and really relaxing, in a way, because the language is so beautiful, it's just a gorgeous book to curl up in bed with.
Thanks! (: I'll be sure to stop by at your post when I can find the time to breathe! What with Armchair BEA and everything else going on in my life this week it's been a bit difficult to find the time to do anything at all.
Yeah, I know! I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT LIES WE TELL OURSELVES. Why isn't it out already???
ReplyDeleteI just... villains don't seem to catch my interest at all. I don't know why. Oooh Steelheart! I really need to read that. I tried the first chapter and it was a tad boring though??? Ahhh I don't know, I think I'm probably just the type of enjoy Brandon Sanderson's high fantasy more.
I think I saw it on Edelweiss though!!! You should try to request it ;)
ReplyDeleteNooo, read it! It's GOOD. Well, if you like superheroes, villains and dark(ish) urban fantasy - so yeah, maybe his HF books would be more of your cup of tea...
Snow Like Ashes has such a gorgeous cover! I actually got a copy of it for review, so definitely looking forward to digging into that pretty :3
ReplyDeletehaha I have to admit that Ari and Dante was a bit slow at times, but I think overall, I really enjoyed it. It was more about Ari's growth as a character than anything else, I suppose :)
Villains: have you read Vicious by Victoria Schwab? MY GOD THE MORAL AMBIGUITY IN THAT BOOK. Love it :D
I almost had Breakfast Served Anytime on my list too, the cover is very intriguing. No One Needs to Know also looks pretty interesting.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog!
I hope you find some new favourites to enjoy after reading my post! (:
ReplyDeleteOooh, I'd love to hear what you make of Snow Like Ashes. (:
ReplyDeleteYeah, I ended up liking the story a lot, but the writing style just never clicked with me. It's not that I had a problem with how slow it was; I've read plenty of very slow books that didn't make me feel bored, but I just... there was something about the style that really put me off reading that book. Still, I did enjoy it a lot and I loved the characters. (:
I haven't read Vicious by Victoria Shwab, no! I must go check it out. It looks very interesting. (: Thanks for the rec!
I'm gonna just have to give in and buy Breakfast Served Anytime soon. I read the Kindle sample and it had me hooked!
ReplyDeleteI did! <3